The name Jerusalem has a sacred and solemn meaning in the eyes of the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is a sacred place for three major religions, each holding deep religious beliefs and emotions. But why is Jerusalem the holy site of these three religions? What kind of historical stories and profound religious beliefs are there behind this?
First of all, we need to know that Jerusalem is the holy site of Judaism. It was conquered by the Jewish King David around the 10th century B.C., who made Jerusalem his capital. His son Solomon built the first temple here to house the Ark of the Covenant, which is said to contain the code of the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God.
Since then, Jerusalem’s status in the hearts of the Jewish believers has risen, becoming their spiritual home. In addition, important Jewish holidays, such as Passover and the anniversary of the Destruction of the Temple, are closely linked to the history of Jerusalem, further strengthening the Jewish faith and emotion towards Jerusalem.
Second, Jerusalem is also of irreplaceable importance to Christian believers. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ took place here. Because here, Christ Jesus experienced the last week of his life, known as “Passion Week.”
During the week, important biblical events such as the entry of Jesus into the city, the Last Supper, the betrayal, the judgment, the crucifixion, and the resurrection all took place in Jerusalem. These events became a central part of Christian doctrine, making Jerusalem the spiritual source of Christianity, a sacred and solemn place in the hearts of believers.
Finally, Jerusalem’s importance to Islam is self-evident. In the history of Islam, Muhammad performed miracles and rode the beast of Braq to Jerusalem in an instant to achieve the “night climb to the sky”, where he ascended the seven heavens and met the prophets of all ages, further perfecting his mission and faith.
This made Jerusalem the third holiest city for Muslims after Mecca and Medina. At the same time, the third holiest place in Islam, the Temple Mount, is located in Jerusalem, and the standing Dome of the Rock Mosque and Al-Aqsa Mosque are unshakable temples in the hearts of Muslims.
The reason why Jerusalem has become a holy site for all three religions goes back thousands of years. Culture, history and religion are intertwined to form a complex and unique web of beliefs.
In addition, geography also plays an important role in the religious status of Jerusalem. Located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, this ancient city has been the center of various cultures and religions for thousands of years.
However, the sharing of Jerusalem by these three religions was not always peaceful. Throughout history, Jerusalem has been the focus of many wars, and religious conflicts have made it a baptism of fire.
From the Crusades to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Jerusalem’s status and religious affiliation have become more complex and sensitive amid the tug of forces on all sides.
To sum up, the reason why Jerusalem can become the holy land of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is mainly because of its deep history, rich religious culture, and unique geographical location. Despite the challenges posed by historical change and conflict, Jerusalem’s importance to these three religions remains unshakable.
Of course, Jerusalem is more than just a religious site; it is a human heritage, a testament to the interweaving of history, culture and religion. It is a reminder that although beliefs and cultures may be different, we all live in the same world and share the same history. In this sense, Jerusalem is a bridge that connects past, present and future, leading people to understand and respect each other’s differences and to work together to create a more peaceful and harmonious world.