In the mid-9th century, the Irish and Norwegians immigrated to Iceland, becoming the first recorded inhabitants of the island. In 930, Iceland established the world’s first parliament (Althingi). From 1262, Iceland was ruled by Norway and then Denmark. On 17 June 1944, the Republic of Iceland was established.

Iceland is a highly developed European country with a world ranking of GDP per capita and Human development index, and is one of the most liveable countries in the world. Fishing is the foundation of Iceland, and fishing and its derivative industries are the most important economic industries in Iceland. The industry is dominated by high energy consumption industries such as aluminum smelting and fishery products processing industry. Iceland attracts tourists from all over the world with its unique scenery and landforms such as volcanoes, glaciers, hot springs and auroras.

Some tourist attractions in Iceland:

1. Glacier Lake (Jökulsárlón) – is one of Iceland’s most famous attractions, offering stunning views of glaciers and glacial lakes.

2. Svaritifoss – Located in southeastern Iceland, it is a magnificent waterfall with a very mysterious surrounding environment.

3. The Golden Circle of Iceland – which includes national parks, geothermal areas, waterfalls, and more, is one of Iceland’s most popular tourist routes.

4. Blue Lagoon – is the most famous hot spring in Iceland, with a water temperature between 37 and 40 degrees Celsius. It contains various minerals and has a good moisturizing effect on the skin.

5. Reykjavik – the capital of Iceland, where you can visit many museums.