“There are ancient souls here, as well as a lifetime of works created by Gaudi: Sagrada Familia, Casa Mira, PARC Gouel, Casa Batllo.”
“The naturalistic approach of the Park de Guere, the rows of columns and arches on the entrance facade, the stone and coloured mosaics, the serpentine benches in the collage of crushed porcelain, the ceiling of the hundred-column hall and the coloured lizards on the main steps, draw people to pause and wonder like a fairy tale kingdom.”

“On June 10, 1926, Barcelona held a tram opening ceremony, and the city was jubilant. The tram, decorated with flags and flowers, started to the sound of cheerful music and thunderous applause. Suddenly, the tram knocked down an old man, and no one knew that he was Gaudi. He was so shabby and haggard that people thought this old man was just a beggar. He was at first prepared for a hasty burial like any other homeless man, and an old lady recognized him as Antonio Gaudi.”
“The greatest architect and the most outstanding man in Barcelona, who has lived for thousands of years, has withered and sighed…”